The Official Blog of Rau Animal Hospital

Monday, February 13, 2012

How Many Litterboxes Do I Need?

Multiple cats need multiple boxes in multiple locations
Your new kitty is home, getting along (or at least tolerating) the dog or other cats, and things seem to be going smoothly. However, you may notice some litterbox aversion when introducing a change as big as a new pet. There are several ways to help remedy this, and the first question we ask is "How many litterboxes do you have?"
Take the number of cats you have. Add 1 to that number, and that is your magic litterbox number. Those litterboxes should not all be in one spot; they should be spread all throughout your house. The kitties in the above picture are members of a 3-cat household, and there are 4 litterboxes in the house - in the hallway, in the den, and 2 separate spots in the kitchen.
It seems like so many litterboxes! A lot of people don't want so many because they believe it will make their house stink. Well, litterboxes must be scooped EVERY DAY. No exceptions, no excuses, it's hands-down the healthiest thing for your cats. If you do it every day, they won't smell. Also, as soon as it smells, scoop - even if you already scooped today. If your cats will go in one, you can buy a litterbox disguised as a cabinet, a washroom bench, or a planter to name a few.
The type of litter you use is part of personal preference. Some cats prefer some litters over others. Probably the best way to find out is to purchase a few different types of litter, and try one in each box, and see which one your cats prefer. Flushable, biodegradable litter may be something for which we as owners strive, but if your cats won't use it, and go outside the box instead, is it really worth it? Ask yourself "Which one does my cat prefer?" and stick with that choice. It will bring the most harmony to the litterbox situation.

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